
Join us online in or person at the European Space Agency’s ESRIN (Italy) or ECSAT (UK) for GEOSS/HACK 2018, where developers will compete to create data discovery and access tools that solve global challenges.




Participants will have 30 hours to create an open-source data discovery or access application based on a challenge announced at the start of the hackathon.


The challenge will be announced at the start of the hackathon, and will centre around real data needs and globally relevant environmental themes focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


In addition to exposure and promotion to some of the biggest organizations and companies in the industry, the winner will be invited to refine their code collaboratively with Development Seed, and will receive a ticket to FOSS4G 2018 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The winning team will be also be interviewed and their submission featured in the GEO Blog and Newsletter. All the solutions will also be featured in the European Space Agency website. The winning team will receive a full day mentoring/consulting session with SBIC Noordwijk and will receive exposure on the ESA Space Solutions Community.





What’s a hackathon?

A hackathon is a hardware and software marathon! At GEOSS/Hack, you will have 30 hours to work towards solving a pressing societal challenge.

What tools can I use?

Any programming language and any solution will be accepted, as long it is open source. You will be asked to share your final output code in Github.

What is the format of the product participants will deliver?

At the end of the challenge, all participants will be asked to present a 2 minute video, uploaded to YouTube, explaining their application.

How will the judging work?

Each entry will be evaluated by a jury of experts on the following criteria:

  • Societal Value: Does it offer a real solution with potential impact on the societal challenge being tackled?
  • Originality / Novelty: Has it been tried or done before? Is the idea disruptive?
  • Use of GEOSS resources and tools: Novelty and creativity in the use of existing resources and functions of the GEOSS Platform
  • GEOSS relevance: Is the idea scalable to other GEOSS projects?
  • Feasibility / Sustainability: Does the idea have a realistic chance of being implemented?
  • Usability and user interface: Is the proposed application user-friendly?

The quality of the code will not be judged in order to allow participants to focus on creating disruptive, innovative applications of GEOSS data.

Who can attend?

Everybody is welcome. Participants are responsible for funding and arranging their own travel and visas.

What should I bring?

Bring your confirmation email and your passport or other national ID for entrance. You’ll also need your laptop and charger for hacking.

Is this event free?

Yes! Just remember to register in advance.

How will I get to ESRIN, Italy (ESA)?

Participants attending in person can access ESRIN (ESA) easily from Rome or Frascati. More information about logistics is available here.

How will I get to ECSAT, UK (ESA)?

For participants attending ECSAT in person, the closest train station to ECSAT (ESA) is in Didcot - buses can be taken from here to the site. Otherwise there are several buses that can be taken from Oxford (e.g. X34, X32).

How will remote participants join in?

Remote participants will connect via WebEx. Connection instructions will be sent prior to the event.

What's the event schedule?

GEOSS Hack will start at 10:00 (UTC+1, Rome) on 3 May 2018, and end at 12:30 on 4 May 2018. The results will be posted during the week of 14 May.

Can I sleep at GEOSS/HACK 2018 (Frascati)?

Unfortunately, no. We encourage all hackers to find accommodation in Frascati or in Rome well in advance.

Can I sleep at GEOSS/HACK 2018 (ECSAT)?

Unfortunately, no - attendants will be expected to leave ECSAT by 5pm on 3 May 2018, and following the presentations on 4 May.


All programming languages and application formats will be accepted, provided they are open source and the code is shared in Github. Participants will produce a 2 minute video explaining their entries for the judges to review.



GEOSS Hack 2018 will be hosted both online and in person at the European Space Agency's ESRIN (Frascati, Italy) and ECSAT (Harwell, UK).


The event will take place 3-4​ May 2018, as part of the 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop.


For more information, please contact Diana Mastracci at diana.mastracci@esa.int


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