Who are we?
The Capacity Development Working Group (CD-WG) is convened to facilitate GEO’s efforts on capacity development, promoting the principle of co-creation and providing conceptual support to the design, development, implementation and evaluation of capacity development activities at various levels of intervention.
- Support GEO Flagships, Initiatives and Regional GEOs
- Develop CD tools and methodologies
- Collect & share good practices
- Organize seminars, teleconferences, side-events
- Implement impact assessments
Governance structure
The CD-WG has two co-chairs
- Nancy Searby: Manager of the Capacity Building Program (CBP) for NASA Earth Science Division’s Applied Sciences Program.
- Allison Craddock: International Association of Geodesy (IAG), GGOS External Relations Manager, IGS Central Bureau Director
The WG is coordinated by the GEO Secretariat CD coordinator:
- Ernest Acheampong: Capacity Development Coordinator
The Working Group established 3 subgroups to assist in fulfilling its duties.
- Subgroup 1: GEO mapping and needs assessment (lead Hanna Albrecht)
- Subgroup 2: Collecting, sharing and developing CD tools (lead Allison Craddock)
- Subgroup 3: Organizing dissemination events, M&E and impact assessment (lead Nancy Searby)
How to join and contribute
Membership in the Working Group is open to any individual in the GEO community. Participation is encouraged from individuals having training or experience in the development, delivery and/or evaluation of capacity development activities, or are past or potential future participants in capacity development activities.
Contact us
Please contact the GEO Secretariat: secretariat@geosec.org, or the coordinator directly: eacheampong@geosec.org
Capacity Development Resources
Training courses & materials
GEO Virtual Symposium 2020 video's & presentations
Capacity Developmet Webinar Series
Find all recordings of the Capacity Development webinars here
Links, articles
CopHub.AC It contains developed technical elements such as the Copernicus Academy Gateway, the Knowledge Landscape and the Innovation Monitor which serve the purpose to visualise the distributed expertise in various technical and applications domains and the innovation potential under several aspects. It also provides an extensive catalogue of resources of Copernicus user/success stories and training element.
EO4GEO: The Body of Knowledge (BoK) is a formal description of the EO/GI represented by a complete set of concepts in a structured way and defines what knowledge is needed to complete a task in the EO/GI domain, and thus contributes to professional development needs but also capacity building activities. Those programmes should be grounded in the real needs of the user (being a national authority or a vertical market sector). To do this, it is necessary to identify the knowledge and skills required and map their interconnectivity in specific frameworks, which can later be used for the definition of new curricula or job-oriented learning paths.
E-shape: The EO Maturity Indicators Methodology under e-shape project aims at providing decision-makers (primarily) and other value chain actors (e.g, research institutes, companies, user communities) with a robust tool that helps them to assess the current state of Earth Observation Activities in their country.
Digital Earth Africa webinar on Capacity Development
GEO Capacity Development strategy
CD calendar
- IDEAM: GEO Webinars (recorded - in Spanisch)
Traning opportunities
- IDEAM: Various Tutorials and on demand training courses (in Spanisch)
- APDC training opportunities