Road to GEO Post-2025
GEO is at a strategic inflection point. As we near the end of the implementation period of the GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025, it is time to set a new direction for the partnership. Since 2005, GEO has played an important role in advancing the sharing of open Earth observation information, enhancing coordination and integration with other data, and fostering collaboration among a wide range of stakeholders. However, accelerating equitable access to, and making the use of, science-based earth observations for critically important decisions at the local, regional and global level remains a challenge.
Against this context, the Post-2025 Working Group was established at the 57th Executive Committee meeting in March 2022 to develop strategic recommendations for the future evolution of GEO. The Working Group is made up of 28 members selected based on the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion from within the GEO community.
Progress to date
The working group presented an interim report to the Executive Committee, the Plenary and GEO stakeholders for information on the current considerations by the Working Group, and to invite additional feedback as part of on-going community engagement. A draft was presented to the Executive Committee in March 2023, followed by a survey that was shared with the entire GEO community. The final recommended GEO Post-2025 Strategy will be made available in September 2023 to serve as information basis for discussions on the renewal of the GEO mandate at the GEO Plenary 19 and the Ministerial Summit in 2023.

- Draft GEO Post-2025 strategy that was shared with the Executive Committee members in August 2023.