and Inclusion
GEO Week 2022 Schedule
GEO Week 2022 met in Accra, Ghana, amid rapid technological change and mounting environmental challenges.
With a keynote address from the Vice-President of Ghana and high-level speakers from across the GEO community, the gathering showcased how global collaboration is accelerating the use of Earth Observations as evidence for local impact.
Topics on the agenda included operational services for Africa, national climate adaptation plans, nature based solutions and GEO’s post 2025 strategy. The industry track focused on public private partnerships as a catalyst for action and the youth track provided a platform for young voices in the GEO community.
Recordings and presentations from the meeting will be made available on this webpage as soon as they are ready.

Road to GEO Post-2025
GEO has embarked on the Road to GEO Post-2025. The next generation of GEO will be more agile, more proactive, and more aligned with the needs of its users, leading to increased impact.
Introducing the 2023 GEO Cape Town Ministerial Summit
Accra, Ghana. 31 October – 01 November
Accra International Conference Centre
“Public-Private Partnerships: A Catalyst for Local Action”
Featured speakers

About the Industry Track
Now in its third year, GEO Week Industry Track 2022 offers the private sector the opportunity to collaborate with the public sector to take advantage of the boundless business opportunities that Earth observation represents.
This annual event is the ideal way to connect with like-minded individuals and specialists within the Earth observation value chain and to connect with GEO Associates and the GEO Work Programme on variety of initiatives.
Earth observations allow us to see the world differently: providing the ultimate in new perspectives on agriculture, sustainability, social development, and even retail and the digital market.
Over the two days of the GEO Week Industry Track 2022 you can expect unmatched opportunities for networking, gaining knowledge, panel discussions with stakeholders from across the globe and the opportunity to explore and exhibit at this year GEO Week!
Experts from Across the Globe
The GEO Week Industry Track 2022 is packed with speakers who have been carefully chosen in the topics of Earth observation. This year’s expert line-up includes GEO Secretariat Director, Yana Gevorgyan; Vice President and Executive Director - Emerging Markets and Funded Projects at Trimble Inc, Albert Momo, Patricia Cummens, Director Government Policy & Strategy at ESRI and more…
Why you should attend GEO Week Industry Track 2022:
- Network with Earth observation thought leaders and entrepreneurs
- Gain exclusive insights and deepen your knowledge
- Join the conversation – and take it forward
- Help define and shape PPPs for the sector
- Explore the GEO Week 2022 Exhibition
- Company Profiling opportunities
Company Profiling
The Company Profile slots are open to all SMMEs across the globe and this year, 10 SMMEs will have slots in which to present their work in Earth observations to attendees. Each 7-minute pre-recorded presentation will be followed by an 8-minute in-person interaction with a panel of senior GEO Associates who will be there to help guide their business initiatives. This opportunity will facilitate public-private partnership and networking by showcasing Earth observations achievements and the enterprises behind them.
Click here to submit your business (Application closing date: 10 October 2022)

With this year being an in-person event, we can offer companies a unique opportunity to be part of this global event. By exhibiting in this year’s event, exhibitors will have an opportunity to showcase their latest innovations in Earth observation data and technology.
Please read the exhibition manual for more information and use the forms to request a booth.
- GEO Week 2022 Exhibition Manual
- Company Information Form
- Exhibition Services & Booth Request Form
- Facia Name Form
- Exhibition Draft Floor Plan
For enquiries about the exhibition please contact
Travel information
Please find information on travelling to Ghana / How to get a visa / Health requirements / Accomodation here
The GEO Week exhibition will showcase the latest innovations and ideas in Earth observation data and technology from GEO members, participating organizations and private sector companies. Please read the exhibition manual for more information and use the forms to request a booth and provide your company information.
- GEO Week 2022 Exhibition Manual
- Company Information Form
- Exhibition Services & Booth Request Form
- Facia Name Form
- Exhibition Draft Floor Plan
For enquiries about the exhibition please contact
GEO-18 Plenary Documents
Sessions Documents
- List of Documents (Rev4)
- Draft Agenda (Rev4)
- Draft Report of GEO-17
- Interim Report of the Post-2025 Working Group
- Report of the Expert Advisory Group on GEOSS (EAG)
- 2023-2025 Work Programme
- 2021 Financial Statement and Audit Report
- GEO Trust Fund Budget (Rev1)
Sessions Documents for information
- Operational Services for Africa
- Earth Observations for Nature Based Solutions
- Future-proofing National Adaptation Plans
- GEO Supplement to the UNFCCC NAP Guidelines
- Collective action on Oceans, Climate and Biodiversity
- New Members, Participating Organizations and Associates
- Mapping the engagement of the 2020-2022 GEO Work Programme
- Terms of Reference for the Ministerial Working Group
Ghana / the Venue
Ghana, on the West Coast of Africa, is one of the most thriving democracies on the continent. The country is known for its lush forests, diverse wildlife, and rich history. English is the official language.
The GEO Week and Exhibition will take place at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC). The centre has hosted major conferences, events and summits for the World Health Organization, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization and other international organizations.
The conference center is located centrally and near national monuments such as Christiansborg castle, Accra Sports Stadium, Independence Square, Osu Castle, Black Star Square and the Parliament house of Ghana.
Visa and travel support
All visitors entering Ghana must have valid entry visas or entry permits issued by a Ghana diplomatic mission or consulate abroad or any other visa issuing authority mandated by the Ghana Government to act on its behalf. ECOWAS nationals and those of other countries with which the Government of Ghana has specific bilateral agreements, are exempted. For visa requiements and entry conditions, click here. Note these are subject to change and it is strongly recommended to verify these conditions at the closest Embassy of Ghana to you.
The GEO Week visa and travel support team will be available to assist participants to resolve any visa-related concerns and, where necessary, will assist in acquiring visa upon arrival. For assistance, please send an email
Visa FAQ
Q: What are the requirements for a business visa to Ghana?
Visa requirements for Ghana vary from country to country. However, below are the general requirements:
- Visa Application Forms to be completed and signed
- Colour Passport size photo to be uploaded with the application before submitting
- Business, Residential addresses and contact telephone numbers are to be provided
- Occupation/ Profession
- Invitation Letter from the host organisation
- Financial means to be indicated
- Proposed date of travel. In some cases, flight reservation
- Names and Addresses of references and/ accommodation in Ghana (if it is a hotel, details are to be provided)
Q: Which reference addresses do I use during my visa application?
Please use both your hotel address and one of the following addresses where asked:
Mr Omar Seidu
Head of the Demographic Statistics & SDGs Coordinator
P. O. Box GP 1098, Head Office Building,
Finance Close, Accra, Ghana.
Telephone: +233-302-682661
Mr Kwamena Essilfie Quaison
Director, Science, Technology and Innovation
Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI)
Post Office Box M232 Ministries, Accra Ghana. Digital Address: GA-107-3073. Tel : +233 302-666 049 | +233 302-662626. Email :
Health requirements
For latest COVID-19 travel advice, visit the Ghana Embassy website in your country of residence. You can also check the guidelines available here.
Yellow fever requirements : The yellow fever vaccine (made at least 10 days before your departure) is mandatory and the international vaccination certificate must be presented upon arrival. Babies younger than 9 months are exempt from this obligation.
The local organizing committee has arranged with the Ghana health service, Ghana Ambulance service and the Ghana National Fire Service to ensure the delivery of health and safety services at the event. The health desk must be contacted by any participants who feel unwell in any way at any point in time of the week.
Hotels and accommodation near the venue (discounted rates available)
The Local Organising Committee (LOC) will negotiate rates with nearby hotels to provide a range of options for attendees. Most rates include breakfast and Wi-Fi. All rates are subject to availability and booking deadlines. Please confirm deposit and cancellation policies directly with the hotel prior to booking. For assistance, send email to GEO Week Hotel Support at:
ALISA HOTEL detailed hotel info and discounted rates here
COCONUT GROVE REGENCY HOTEL, RIDGE detailed hotel info and discounted rates here
MAHOGANY LODGE detailed hotel info and discounted rates here
LA VILLA BOUTIQUE HOTEL detailed hotel info and discounted rates here
CENTRAL HOTEL detailed hotel info and discounted rates here
Accra City Hotel is within a 5-10 minute drive to the Accra International Conference Centre
Address: Barnes Road, Accra, Ghana
Phone: 030 263 3863
Distance: 1.3 km from Accra International Conference Centre
The Labadi Beach Hotel is located in tropical gardens, 10 minutes drive from Kotoka International Airport and 15 minutes drive from the Central Business District. It is a 15-30 minute drive to the Conference Centre.
Address: La Rd, Accra.
Phone: 030 277 2501
Distance: 7.5 km from Accra International Conference Centre
The Holiday Inn Accra Airport hotel is a 15-30 minute drive away from the Accra International Conference Centre.
Address: Pmb Ct 97, Cantonments, 19-20 Airport Bypass Rd, Accra
Phone: 030 274 0930
Distance: 5.5 km from Accra International Conference Centre Rates:
The 4-star Golden Tulip Accra hotel is within 15-20 minute drive of the Accra International Conference Centre.
Address: Liberation Road, Accra 16033, Ghana
Phone: 030 221 3161
Distance: 4.5 km from Accra International Conference Centre
Located within Airport City, this hotel is within 10-15 minutes drive of the Accra International Conference Centre.
Address: Liberation Road, Accra
Phone: 030 273 8000
Distance: 5.5 km from Accra International Conference
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Subgroup of the GEO Programme Board supports the strategic aim of developing GEO as an institution that provides a fair, supportive and encouraging networking environment that insures that equality, diversity, and inclusivity are fully considered, addressed, and embedded within GEO activities and decisions.
To that end, the EDI subgroup and GEO Secretariat encourage diversity and inclusion in GEO Week plenary sessions and side events. We recommend that session organizers:
1. Include conveners and speakers from multiple countries and institutes, preferably with a diverse representation of GEO-member countries;
2. Have conveners and speakers from different career stages, including at least one early career speaker (but not only early career); and
3. Include conveners and speakers that represent more than one form of gender identity.
GEO Week 2022 Statements







Costa Rica




European Commission











Mercator Ocean





United Kingdom

United States
Video Statements
Australia's Video Statement by Wilson Maree, Geoscience Australia
ECMWF's Video Statement by Burgess Samantha, ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)
Costa Rica's Video Statement by Rafael Monge
Live Streams
Committee Hall 1
Monday 31 October
- Industry Track
Tuesday 1 November
- Industry Track
Committee Hall 2
Monday 31 October
- 09h00-10h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Opening Session & Session 1: Building Resilient and Sustainable Systems
- 11h00-12h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Session 2: Building Resilient and Sustainable Communities
- 14h00-15h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Session 3: Sustainable Urban Development
- 16h00-17h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Road to GEO post-2025
Tuesday 1 November
- 09h00-10h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Session 4: Enhancing Resilience and Sustainability of Resources
- 11h00-12h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Launches
- 14h00-15h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Session 5: LDN and Land Cover
- 16h00-17h30: AfriGEO Symposium - Session 6: Data and Infrastructure
- 17h30-18h00: AfriGEO Symposium - Closing Session
Room 117a
Monday 31 October
- 09h00-10h30: Open data policies global overview and focus in Africa
- 14h00-15h30: Earth Observation data for multi-scale monitoring of mining activities impact
- 16h00-17h30: Harnessing National Research Education Networks (NREN) infrastructure for research and data-sharing in Earth Observation and Climate Action
Main Auditorium
Monday 31 October
- 11h00-12h30: Youth Track: Panel discussion with young women in GIS
- 16h00-17h30: Youth Track: Industry and Youth Tracks joint event
Tuesday 1 November
- 09h00-10h30: Youth Track: "Road to GEO Post-2025"
- 11h00-12h30: Youth Track: Water and Youth - Engaging the next generation in science and policy
Meeting Room I
Monday 31 October
- 14h00-15h30: EO Risk Toolkit Information session
Tuesday 1 November
- 09h00-10h30: Evidence-based decisions and impact through National GEOs
- 11h00-12h30: Earth Observation and Health: Early Warning Systems and beyond!
- 16h00-17h30: Open Knowledge and GEO Knowledge Hub
Meeting Room II
Monday 31 October
- 14h00-15h30: Mountains and Polar Regions - an exchange on Cold Regions within the GEO Work Programme
- 16h00-17h30: The impact of EO for the 2030 Agenda
Tuesday 1 November
- 11h00-12h30: GEO Initiatives and European Projects: Synergies for Urban Resilience
- 14h00-15h30: Earth Observation for Ecosystem Accounting in Ghana
- 16h00-17h30: Accelerating all SDGs through the GEO-LDN federated tool and capacity development approach
Meeting Room III
Monday 31 October
- 16h00-17h30: The GEO Indigenous Alliance: Democratising Earth Observation Data and Tools for Climate Action
Tuesday 1 November
- 14h00-15h30: Innovative agriculture monitoring for improved food security
Room 218
Monday 31 October
- 14h00-15h30: Digital Earth Global Session
- 16h00-17h30: The future of the EDI Subgroup
Tuesday 1 November
- 11h00-12h30: The Value of Valuing Earth Observations