GEO Week 2021 detailed schedule

Please note that not all sessions are displayed - others will be added as the information becomes available. Click on a session event title to get more information.

Monday 22 November, 2021


Youth Track


10 minute break


Industry Track

Tuesday 23 November, 2021


Industry Track


10 minute break


Plenary Session 1: GEO Week 21 Opening - Welcome and Overview of GEO Week



Plenary Session 2: GEO Work Programme activities and contributions to global policy frameworks


10 minute break


Anchor Session One: Integrated implementation of GEO work programme activities


10 minute break


Anchor Session Two: Climate Action


10 minute break


Fostering Earth Observation (EO) market uptake thanks to natural and holistic access to added value data generated through cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies (SnapEarth)


Mainstreaming EVs across GEO


Data Working Group


Earth Observations at COP26 – a reflection and consideration of next steps


10 minute break


Data Working Group


Earth Observations at COP26 – a reflection and consideration of next steps


Collaboration between AmeriGEO and thematic Initiatives and Flagships



Collaboration between AmeriGEO and thematic Initiatives and Flagships

Wednesday 24 November, 2021


Anchor Session Three: Climate and Ocean


10 minute break


Plenary Session 3: Engaging the GEO Community


10 minute break


Anchor Session Four: Resilient Cities and Human Settlements


10 minute break


From local to global: sky-to-ground cooperation enabled by OGC innovation initiatives for Disaster Risk Reduction


The Climate Crisis and need for Global Climate Observations


Biological Earth observations in support of transformative commitments and sustainable development


10 minute break


Biological Earth observations in support of transformative commitments and sustainable development


Human Planet data and knowledge for GEO, decision makers and scientists.


Making statistics geospatial: Mobilizing the GEO community to support Ecosystem Accounting and data interoperability


Using the EO Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements to Support Equitable Development and Climate Resilience


10 minute break


Making statistics geospatial: Mobilizing the GEO community to support Ecosystem Accounting and data interoperability


Using the EO Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements to Support Equitable Development and Climate Resilience


A New GEO Map and Characterization of Global Coastlines


Youth Track


10 minute break


Youth Track

Thursday 25 November, 2021


From local to global: sky-to-ground cooperation enabled by OGC innovation initiatives for Disaster Risk Reduction


Pathways to Impact in Africa - the vital role of open, operational platforms for EO data


Youth Track


2021-2030 Joint Decade of Geographical Indications Environment and Sustainability (GIES)

Charting the course to greater engagement between GEO and the Pacific Islands

10 minute break


2021-2030 Joint Decade of Geographical Indications Environment and Sustainability (GIES)

Charting the course to greater engagement between GEO and the Pacific Islands

Developing cooperation across GEO Activities to address marine hazards in Africa


Embedding Earth observation initiatives in localized contexts for financial sustainability – involving smallholder farmers and local governments in Africa


Utilising Earth Observation Data to Enhance Access to Climate Finance


10 minute break


Plenary Session 4: Bridging the Digital Divide with Data, Tools and Knowledge


10 minute break


Anchor Session Five: Nature Based Solutions


10 minute break


GEO Knowledge Hub


Contributions from e-shape to the GEO Work Programme


GEOGLAM In Situ Data Management Working Session

Is there really Value in Earth Observation?


10 minute break


Contributions from e-shape to the GEO Work Programme


GEOGLAM In Situ Data Management Working Session

Is there really Value in Earth Observation?


Global Observation System for Mercury (GOS4M) support global mercury monitoring for policy questions


10 minute break


AWS and GEO Collaboration: Earth Observation Cloud Credits Programme


GEO Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Initiative – from science to decision-making


Showcasing the EuroGEO Regional Initiative


Sneak Preview of EO Risk Toolkit


10 minute break

Friday 26 November, 2021


A water quality emergency monitoring service evolution and the generation of a roadmap for future Copernicus water services: WQeMS meets Water-ForCE


Envisioning AOGEO in 2022 and beyond

Global Ecosystem Monitoring and Environment Observation Analysis Research Cooperation (GEOARC) Support to Serve for SDGs

GEO GEE Programme


Workshop on Earth Observation Remote Sensing Satellite Data sharing and Application

10 minute break


GEO GEE Programme


Workshop on Earth Observation Remote Sensing Satellite Data sharing and Application

EO as a key tool to ensure civil security for society


Open science enhances the disaster response capacity of Earth observation

Sneak Preview of EO Risk Toolkit


Youth Track


10 minute break


Plenary Session 5: Looking Ahead