
Asia Oceania GEO - AOGEO


What’s New

Call for Nomination for the Coordination Board of AOGEO

On 23 March 2017, a joint letter signed by GEO Principals/Alternates of AOGEO co-leading countries (Australia, China and Japan) was sent calling for Nomination for the Coordination Board of AOGEO. Nomination deadline is 26 May 2017.


Tokyo Statement 2017 at the 2017 GEOSS Asia-Pasific Symposium

AOGEOSS: Governance Structure
AOGEOSS: Governance Structure


New Zealand Government thanks ChinaGEOSS, CODATA and IRDR for their help following 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake



The Asia-Oceania GEOSS (AOGEOSS) is a GEO Initiative approved and launched at the GEO-XIII Plenary in St. Petersburg in November 2016.

The Asia-Oceania region has two-thirds of the world's population, numerous and fast environmental changes as well as frequent disasters. AOGEOSS, co-led by Australia, China and Japan, intends to establish an effective cooperation framework at regional level and promote the Earth observation capacity of Asia-Oceania countries to confront the challenges which pose a risk to the attainment of sustainable development.

  • Engage and coordinate as appropriate stakeholders, partners and sponsors working together on Earth observation activities in the Asia-Oceania region;
  • Utilize infrastructure, resources and capacity to develop integrated and sustained observations;
  • Investigate user needs and address gaps on implementation of GEOSS and develop technological approaches;
  • Provide a platform for Asia-Oceania countries to advance data sharing and services;
  • Cultivate regional collaboration network by providing technical support and knowledge sharing;
  • Support decision-making and regional sustainable development with earth observation information.
Key Activities and Governance
AOGEOSS: key activities
AOGEOSS: key activities

Figure: key activities & governance: boxes with blue background represent existing AP activities; other boxes represent newly proposed ones.


Member Countries

Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, South Korea, Laos


Participating Organizations

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