Our 2nd webinar covered a deep dive into the Land Use/Land Cover Classification Knowledge Package developed by the Brazilian Data Cube team at INPE. This webinar was held on 1 April 2021 from 13h00 to 14h00 CEST.
The webinar illustrated the journey of a Knowledge Provider, from creating a Knowledge Package through to sharing it in the GEO Knowledge Hub.
The Knowledge Provider also illustrated the user experience and highlighted the added value a Knowledge Package offers to fully understand and reproduce an Earth observations solution.
Past GEO Knowledge Hub webinars
1st: Introduction to the GEO Knowledge Hub
The webinar featured 2h of live presentations and discussions. Participants had an opportunity to meet and interact with the GKH team and with Knowledge Providers from activities in the GEO Work Programme.
The goal was to provide a user perspective based on input from the Knowledge Providers, notably to outline GKH capabilities and benefits to the GEO community.
Date/Time: 24 February 2021, 13:00-15:00 CET
Moderator: Steven Ramage
Introduction / setting the scene (~35min)
Opening of the webinar, Gilberto Camara, GEO Secretariat Director
GEOSS Infrastructure, Jean Dusart, EC
Introduction to the GEO Knowledge Hub, Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat
How to become a Knowledge Provider, Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat
During this introduction we will explain what the GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH) is, illustrate its added value and show the importance of becoming a knowledge provider.
Short Q&A (~5 min)
GEOGLAM / Sen2Agri, Ian Jarvis, GEOGLAM (~10 min)
The purpose of GEOGLAM is to increase market transparency and improve food security by producing and disseminating relevant, timely, and actionable information on agricultural conditions and outlooks of production at national, regional, and global scales. The Sen2-Agri project, a contribution to GEOGLAM is an operational EO solution that facilitates agricultural monitoring throughout the growing season.
Short Q&A (~5 min)
Human Planet Initiative, Daniele Elhrich, JRC (~10 min)
The Global human settlement layers (GHSL) are a set of digital maps (i.e. more technically referred as spatial grids) that inform us on the global built environment (i.e. buildings, referred as GHS-BUILT), on population density (referred as GHS-POP) and on type of settlements (cities, towns, rural areas referred as GHS-SMOD). The three themes combined are often referred to as the GHSL Package.
Short Q&A (~5 min)
Land Use - Land Cover /Brazilian Data Cube, Gilberto Queiroz, INPE (~10 min)
Land use and land cover classification in the Brazilian Cerrado biome using the Brazil Data Cube that will be made available as part of the System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL) geospatial platform of GFOI.
Short Q/A (~5 min)
Open discussion / Q&A session (~30 min)
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