Blog / May 25, 2020
Take action on COVID-19 and indigenous empowerment using Earth observations and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) from 5-7 June 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic is already posing a grave threat to communities around the world. Indigenous Peoples’ livelihoods, health and wellbeing is threatened as many communities face challenges related to access to health services, information, and food insecurity as remote communities often depend on outside supplies for sustenance. Digital inclusion has never been more urgent and necessary, as many of these challenges can be tackled using Earth observations, space assets and ICTs.
GEO is announcing the GEO Indigenous COVID-19 Hackathon 2020: Join Indigenous communities in this crowdsourcing challenge to co-design their own, culturally appropriate, ICT solutions to tackle COVID-19 - virtually from home!
The project involves developing a series of virtual hackathons in various Indigenous and under-represented communities with the intent of co-designing locally relevant EO-based challenges that are culturally appropriate to indigenous beliefs and conceptions about diseases. The challenges will then become part of the GEO INDIGENOUS COVID-19 HACKATHON 2020 that will take place during June 2020 in which anyone from around the world will be able to participate and come up with innovative solutions.
The event will use a format successfully developed during GEOHACK19, GEOSS/HACK 2018, and the Arctic Citizen Science hackathons by and for Indigenous Peoples that were co-designed with the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA, Geoscience Australia, the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), the University of Alaska Southeast and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). This Hackathon has been organized by the GEO Secretariat, the GEO Indigenous Alliance: Diana Mastracci, Titus Letaapo, Mario Vargas Shakaim, James Rattling Leaf Sr., Indigenous leaders Claudinete Cole and Leo Cerda and the wider GEO community.
Learn more about the Indigenous Leaders involved in the Hackathon here.
The primary goals of this project are to:
Who should participate - and why?
Indigneous leaders interested in connecting with other leaders from around the world addressing similar challenges to the current pandemic and other persistent and emerging challenges faced by the communities they represent.
Indigenous youth interested to work with Inidgenous leaders in co-designing challenges for the hackathon and/or to participate in the final event as hackers.
EO experts interested in contributing their expertise to an urgent issue and engaging with a network of EO experts from around the world. Mentors will help to guide participants to address the challenges, both from a technical and socio-cultural perspective.
Scientists and practitioners who work with indigenous peoples who are interested in contributing their expertise and experience to ensure indigneous participants rights are fully protected throughout the event and that all volunteers, experts, and hackers are aware of protocols to ensure protections.
Community volunteers and professionals who have experience connecting communities through communications and promotion of the event through their networks.
Everyone with an interest in solving real-world challenges is welcome to participate as “hackers” in the final hackathon. All backgrounds are welcome and are encouraged to apply.
Timeline for the Hackathon:
Major milestones and deliverables will be based on a phased schedule. Milestones 1-3 follow an iterative approach where the community and the crowd are consulted on a regular basis.
Milestone 1 (May 1-31 2020) Community Engagement I
Milestone 2 (May 31- June 4 2020) Community and Crowd Engagement II
Milestone 3 (June 5-7 2020) Community and Crowd Engagement - Hackathon
Milestone 4 (July 2020) Final Report and Evaluation
Project Team
Indigenous Representatives
Mentors (Global Indigenous Alliance, NASA, the European Space Agency, CI, The Mobile Collective, European Citizen Science Association)
Join us in co-designing tools that include Indigenous Peoples’ specific needs and priorities in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.
For more information, read the Frequently Asked Questions here.
To get involved, email Diana Mastracci:
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