

Unveiling the first GEO resource mobilization toolkit

Blog / October 2, 2023

By Olivia Simmons

GEO is rolling out the first resource mobilization toolkit this October. A blend of practicality and innovation, this toolkit features 11 dynamic tools tailored to enhance the resource mobilization capabilities of the GEO Work Programme.

Having spent a year with the Group on Earth Observations and dedicating six months to the creation and development of the GEO Resource Mobilization Toolkit, I've gathered a wealth of insights from the GEO community. These insights have not only shaped the development of the 11 tools in the toolkit but also helped to make it a resource that is practical, adaptable and aligned with the diverse needs of GEO Work Programme activities.During my interactions with the dedicated GEO community, they opened up about the strategies that drive their resource mobilization successes and the challenges that occasionally set them back. Here's a sneak peek into what I’ve learned:

  • Embed Resource Mobilization from Day One: Successful resource mobilization seamlessly integrates into the design and development of projects. With our toolkit by your side, make resource mobilization a core function of your team, establishing the foundation for maximized success.
  • Overcome Eligibility Barriers: Often, the lack of legal status can be a roadblock to raising resources. But with the toolkit's guidance, you can build powerful partnerships with NGOs, universities, and financial sponsors, ensuring you are always on track and continuously engaged.
  • Relationships are Gold: Building strong connections with stakeholders, be it countries, MEAs, NGOs, universities, or donors, can be a game-changer. Dive into the toolkit to understand the art of developing mutual objectives, fostering trust, and championing collaboration.
  • Evidence is Your Best Friend: The more you can measure, the stronger your case to unlock more resources. The toolkit emphasizes the need for establishing systems that consistently measure the outcomes of the Work Programme’s projects. After all, impactful results are what draw investments.
  • Maximize the Work Programme's Potential: The GEO Work Programme is a powerhouse of research and development. With the toolkit, discover how to roll out tools, services, and knowledge to users, amplifying impact and drawing donor support. Engaging donors early in co-design may help bridge the gap.
  • Showcase Your Unique Advantage: The GEO Work Programme stands out as a multidisciplinary group of global thought leaders using data to address the world’s biggest challenges. Our toolkit helps you articulate this unique edge, ensuring donors recognize the exceptional value on offer and potential impact.

I am thrilled to unveil the GEO RM Toolkit this month. And come November, join us for a special session at GEO Week where I will dive deep into all of the toolkit's offerings. You can expect insights from esteemed panelists from the GEO Work Programme as they share their resource mobilization journeys and invaluable advice.



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