

Join us for GEO Week 2020: showcasing the impact of Earth observations

Blog / October 27, 2020

GEO Week 2020 will engage leaders from across the GEO community to share insights, lessons and advance policies and programmes that impact our planet.  This week-long series of online events will showcase the efforts to implement the Canberra Declaration, a bold and ambitious approach to open data sharing endorsed at the Canberra Ministerial Summit, by highlighting initiatives from GEO Members, Participating Organizations and Associates.

The event will focus on the key priorities of boosting the digital economy, delivering against GEO’s work on international policy, supporting national Earth observations initiatives and highlighting approaches to open data.

To promote participation from around the globe, sessions will include a series of live discussions and take place across multiple time zones.

Here are 6 reasons not to miss GEO Week 2020:

  1. Discover ongoing GEO activities.

Learn about new initiatives, commitments and policies from the GEO Member Statements.

  1. Attend the GEO awards ceremony.

Meet and get inspired by the winners of the second annual GEO Individual Excellence Awards and the Earth Observations for the Sustainable Development Goals (EO4SDG) Awards. Learn how award winners are using Earth observations to improve our planet.

  1. Contribute to the GEO pledge campaign.       

Show your support for the GEO Secretariat by helping to raise contributions for the GEO Trust Fund. GEO Members, Participating Organizations and Associates will be encouraged to get involved with pledges for voluntary contributions to support the work of the GEO Secretariat, including support for the GEO work programme, the GEO engagement priorities and the realization of GEO’s vision and mission.

  1. Participate in live panel discussions.

Learn how countries are leveraging Earth observations and their membership in GEO to address national priorities and build resilient societies and economies. The panel discussions will feature GEO Principals from around the world and there will be a live question and answer session.

  1. Consider the future of open data.

Hear from GEO work programme activities about the challenges and approaches to data sharing, including expanding access to in situ data and analysis ready data, to fully achieve the societal benefits arising from Earth observations.

  1. Participate in the GEO Week 2020 Industry Track.

Network at the second annual Industry Track, a recent initiative with a focus on Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) that was launched during GEO Week 2019 in Canberra, Australia. The goal is to connect the Earth observation industry with the GEO Work Programme. The event will feature virtual talks, matchmaking between business to business (B2B) and business to government (B2G) in virtual rooms, the Space Tech Challenge competition announcement and giveaways organized in collaboration with the South African National Space Agency (SANSA), ZA Space and the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI).  

We look forward to welcoming you online and to your participation. Please mark your calendar and follow the GEO Week 2020 website where you will be able to find more detailed information about the events.



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