

GEO-GFOI Virtual Workshop "Exploring new tools in SEPAL to assess land use and land cover changes, and produce GHG emission estimates" 16-17 June 2021

Blog / May 19, 2021

On 16-17 June, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the GEO flagship Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) will host a joint technical workshop on "Exploring new tools in SEPAL to assess land use and land cover changes, and produce GHG emission estimates", with the participation of the GFOI lead partner, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Task Force on National GHG Inventories of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-TFI).

The science and technology of cloud computing, machine learning and data cubes have evolved to meet the needs of countries as defined in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGI). It is now time to move from the realm of research and development and demonstration in a few countries to a broader operationalisation of these technologies. This is the reason for this workshop and collaboration between GEO, GFOI, FAO and IPCC-TFI.

The IPCC Technical Support Unit of the Task Force on national greenhouse gas Inventories is developing tools to support the use of its Inventory software by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in preparing their land representation, including through spatially explicit approaches, for estimating greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector and has invited the cooperation of GEO and GFOI on this matter.

GEO and GFOI have identified the System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL) platform, operated by FAO and funded by GFOI partner Norway, as an environment that can enable UNFCCC Parties and GEO Members with significant forest areas to access cloud computing services. GEO and GFOI aim to provide high quality open source software available in SEPAL that perform spatially explicit accounts of AFOLU emissions.

The goal of the workshop is to identify tools suitable for spatially explicit monitoring of land cover change that can support greenhouse gas accounting in the land sector. The workshop will identify specific open source software packages to be made freely available on the SEPAL platform for governments wishing to develop National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) and associated Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV) procedures, including appropriate capacity development support.

The workshop will be held virtually via Zoom. To register, please follow this link.

For more information, please contact Sara Venturini, Climate Coordinator at the GEO Secretariat (sventurini@geosec.org), and Tom Harvey, GFOI Office Manager (tom.harvey@gfoi.org).

Draft Agenda:

Day 1 - 16 June

12:00 - 15:00 CET (View recording here)

Welcome and opening

10 min

Gilberto Camara, GEO Secretariat Director
Tom Harvey, GFOI Office Manager

  • Opening remarks and introduction to the initiative

5 min

Julian Fox, FAO, NFM Team Leader

  • Opening remarks

5 min

Lucia Perugini, GEO Climate Change Working Group Co-Chair

  • Opening remarks

Setting the scene on AFOLU GHG estimates

15 min

Sandro Federici, Head of IPCC TFI Technical Support Unit

10 min

Carly Green, consultant to the IPCC TFI Technical Support Unit

10 min

Adam Lewis, Digital Earth Africa 

  • Current status and availability of AFOLU data monitoring tools in DE Africa

10 min

Laura Duncanson, GEO-TREES

20 min


20 min

Short break 

Software demonstrations in SEPAL

15 min

Erik Lindquist and Rémi d’Annunzio, Forestry Officers at FAO

15 min

Rémi d’Annunzior, FAO/SEPAL and Jan Verbesselt, University of Wageningen


5 min


15 min

Karine Ferreira, Rolf Simoes and Gilberto Queiroz, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

5 min



15 min

Moderated discussion by Gilberto Camara, GEO Secretariat

  • Initial reflections on collaborations 


Day 2 - 17 June

12:00 - 15:00 CET (View recording here)


5 min

Gilberto Camara, GEO Secretariat Director

  • Welcome back and summary of Day 1

Software demonstrations in SEPAL

15 min

Curtis Woodcock and Paulo Arevalo, University of Boston

5 min


15 Min

David Gibbs, WRI

5 min


20 min

Short break 

15 min

Andreas Johannes Langner, EC JRC 

5 min


15 min

Dario Simonetti, EC JRC

5 min


Discussion and next steps 

50 min

Moderated discussion by Gilberto Camara, GEO Secretariat Director

  • Initial reflections on usability of software on SEPAL for AFOLU GHG emission estimates
  • Support and resources requirements
  • Post-workshop process and timeline

5 min




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